If you do not want the package, please refuse to sign/accept the package and the item will be returned to us. Then contact us service@mars-hydro.com, we will refund you once we receive it.

Once you receive it, we do not accept the return. If there are any problems about the product, please contact us contact@mars-hydro.com We will work together with you to resolve any issues



We will refund when we receive the item from you. If any other refund agreed during communication, we’ll also notify the refund process by email.

We can only refund to the account address which customers used when made payment.

If you are approved, your refund will be processed and you will be sent a confirmation email with refund transaction number. At this point, the refund is out of our hands and we do not have any control over the speed of the refund. The bank or payment processing service may take up to 1-5 business days to transfer the funds back into your account.

International shipmentsIf we ship your light to your country and you fail to communicate with the shipping company to arrange receipt of your package, the shipping company will destroy your package and you will not be refunded from us. Nor will Mars Hydro take the item back or reimburse you for the cost of the item or shipping.

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